Who am I? Who have I been?
Who do I want to be?
My name is Sabrina Herrmann
my initials sound like
‘essay’ if you say them fast enough
I am writer.
Lover of coffee and books
born on July 16th
the stars tell me I’m a Cancer.
My therapist tells me I have
severe anxiety.
I tell her, “Anna it’s hard not to
when your moods fluctuate with the moon.”
That’s what the stars tell me
but I’m starting to think I use that
as an excuse for my bad behavior.
Don’t tell her.
Sometimes I get scared
of intimacy, snakes, certain dogs,
and other people’s opinion of me.
UK researchers say crabs have feelings.
I am a crab disguised as a human
again, that’s what the stars tell me.
I’m made up of 75% water
I feel it all. I have been a child who
watched the Olympics and dreamed of
being in them. I have been someone
my parents regret buying a soccer ball for
after kicking it through our front window.
I wrote my first
poem in second grade about a Libra
and I swore I’d be a poet
Mom asked, “What happened to soccer?”
I told her it’s okay to have more than
one dream.
I want to be someone who sees
the good in everyone but knows
when it’s time to stay
and when it’s time to go.
I want to be brave. Someone who doesn’t have
to carry her armor everywhere she goes.
I want to be someone who folds
the laundry fresh out of the dryer
and dusts the floorboards every Sunday.
Who learns how release sad memories
and can wash out the sour taste
past lovers have left in her mouth.
I am a lot
I have always been a lot
I want to be enough.
Sabrina Herrmann is an emerging writer who just completed an independent study at Gotham Writers Workshop in New York City. She graduated from New York University with a BS in Business and is applying to MA programs to study English Literature. Her work has been featured in Wingless Dreamer and she resides in Bentonville Arkansas with her family and miniature dachshund.