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Since - Adriana Morgan

Since I've lost you,

my skin got bored of me,

and stretched, stretched away.

It became a huge spider web,

trying to catch your eyes

like naughty dragonflies.

My hands hated me

and grew high, so high—

angry white birds

pecking dark clouds over my head.

My legs despised me—

giraffes running away.

My head got mad—

a fire-spitting dragon chasing me.

My eyes grew into rainbow fish

and never looked back.

My nose smelled a dry daffodil

and turned into a beetle.

My mouth cursed me for months

and morphed into a flamingo,

dripping his red feathers all over my pain.

My breasts stuck with me for a while,

then fell apart like waterlilies,

no hands to pick them up.

I remember when I first met you.

My heart grew as big as a sunflower field,

and poised cows came to graze its purple grass.

Now my broken bones lie in this barren valley,

twisted in the shadow of your passage.

Will someone dare to bring them back to life?


Adriana Morgan completed a Ph.D. in French Literature at the University of Letters in Nantes, France. She is fluent in six languages and worked as a translator and terminologist at the European Commission in Luxembourg and the United Nations in New York. She taught French at the University of Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi, India, the French Alliance, and the Universities of Valparaiso and Vina del Mar, Chile.

She currently works as a multi-dimensional artist: poet, writer, painter, and children's picture books writer and illustrator.

She is the first prize winner of the Acumen International Poetry Prize, 2020, UK, the first prize winner of the Midnight Mozaic Fiction (Medium, 2019), and second prize winner of the Daniil Pashkoff International Poetry Contest, 2018, Germany.

Adriana Morgan's artworks and literary works have been published or are forthcoming in 'Beyond Words Literary Magazine,' 'Infinity Room,' 'Spillwords,' 'Flying Ketchup Press,' 'Ullalume Lighthouse,’ ‘Feminine Collective,’ and ‘Chestnut Review,’ among others.

Chapbook 'Enlightenment' is due for publication by Moonstone Press, Philadelphia, in the Fall of 2021.



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