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Pool Ghoul - Margaret D. Stetz

I can be patient

but when my spirit


seeps from out

my corpse

I know that it will

slither toward


and slip into

the backyard swimming pools

of Cheever country

one after another

to seethe

below the chlorinated surfaces

until each bully girl


and confidently plunges

then submerges


with smirking smiles

designer swimsuits

sculpted limbs

into the depths of


where I wait

to fill her eardrums

throbbing pain

self-doubt self-hatred

let her rise

and wrap herself

in shame

Eve in a towel

slinking toward the Gate.


the fat girl

in the cheap clothes

will always

bide her time

then strike

before dispersing)


Margaret D. Stetz is the Mae & Robert Carter Professor of Women's Studies and Professor of Humanities at the University of Delaware, USA. Although she has spent most of her life teaching and writing about literature, she still finds it hard to reconcile academia with the world that she knew as a working-class child growing up in Queens, New York. Many of her poems reflect this class-based tension and disjunction, along with issues such as domestic violence and abuse. In the past year, her poetry has appeared in A Plate of Pandemic, C*nsorship Magazine, Kerning, Mono, Review Americana, Rushing Thru the Dark, West Trestle Review, Existere, and other journals, as well in the Washington Post.



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