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I Now Have A Voice - Gina Goode

I now have a voice, your all listening to me now,

you took me to my extreme, my darkest hour.

You bow your heads, in shame, and deny your part,

you know who you are, your voices echoed in my depart.

I now have a voice, your all talking about this stuff,

my empty chair in class, will this finally be enough.

Stop, and pause, at what you have brought me to,

I sacrificed, my life, to make the world listen,

am I finally getting through.

Social pain, the clicking sounds, got louder, each day,

I felt my darkness edging closer, it didn’t go away.

Did you ever realize, the cruelty you played,

does my absence haunt you, it should, you should be ashamed.

I now have a voice, to all those like me,

In times of need, shout out loud, stop them, make them see.

I now have a voice, hear my story, it will be told,

open your eyes, take off, your ignorant blindfold.

This is happening every day, you choose not to see,

my name is out there, and this happened to me.

I now have a voice, I am here for you,

you need not suffer in silence, any more,

or feel your darkness, nearing too.

I now shine a light, of strength and unity,

for all those suffering, this senseless cruelty.

I now have a voice, you will remember me,

I will be everywhere, to remind you, of what happened to me.

I now have a voice, think twice, before you inflict your pain,

your cruel words and actions, your vicious so called game.

Don’t be scared to speak up, if this is happening to you,

the time has come, stand up, see this through.

I now have a voice, hope is my name,

I am your symbol, your strength, your reason for change.


Gina Goode lives in Australia. This is her first published piece of writing.



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