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For N. | Anna Marie Hamilton

Three communists at a table

Discuss the future of planet Earth.

Your family back in Vietnam

Are struggling, the rice is drowning,

No food, no livelihood.

The sea rises relentless to the mountains

And there is no refuge.

You want to scream

To the blithe Americans

Sitting in Environmental Science class

That this is real—

Yet here you are beneath a lamp

As though none of this matters.

I am singing you redemption songs

As I walk home

From your dorm

Telling you not to die.

I blow bubbles

And sometimes they pop

And sometimes float up,

Swerve away

I am sending my thoughts like bubbles,

And sometimes they reach you.


Anna Marie Hamilton (Maryann Valerio) is an emerging author of literary speculative fiction for both YA and adult audiences. She holds an M.S. in Materials Science and was enrolled in an MFA program in fiction at Ashland University. She is previously published in 365 Tomorrows, Write Guys Podcast, Chaotic Merge Magazine, and Quartz Literary Review. She lives in the wilds of Oregon with her one cat and 80 plushies.



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