She misses the light that hid its existence
cream and pale under the
watchful eye of the waning moon
that used to dance in spirals
and Fibonacci sequences
around her eyes
She misses the bliss and emptiness
that accompanied naivety
and the sense of snow that drifted
calmly over each and every
and melted into her veins
She misses the soft hedges
that let the bunnies through
a chipmunk’s playground
until it withered
and left behind wrought iron
handcrafted by Helios
She misses the flutter of time
that filled the silence in the cool nights
as fireflies played in starlight
and her feet hardened
under the devil’s pitchforks of
freshly harvested hay
She misses the wafting scent of innocence
that resides in freshly baked
chocolate chip cookies
and their untimely demise
at the paws of an iron stomached
Border Collie
Kelly Lynn (she/her) is an internationally renowned, queer author who has yet to be published. She specializes in wishful thinking and constant daydreaming. In reality, Kelly is (currently) a hospital worker from east central Indiana, where she lives with her two polar opposite pooches. She holds a double BA in Creative Writing and Communications from Susquehanna University where she attended college six years late as An Old. In her free time, she pretends to write her debut novel but mostly just watches YouTube. Kelly is ecstatic to finally tell the truth about being a published author!