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is a strength

in youth

for if not for


goals would not

be possible.

Children dream of aspects

they wish to achieve.

Do not stop

their fantasies.

If they set

their minds

upon a goal

but have the steps


if you feed

them with

courage and


they will find a way.

People stop

our futures

due to lack

of encouragement.

If our youth

is inspired

to be the best

and told positivity

and seen success

through our happiness

they have more

hope to be better

then we are.

If you don't have

much and want more

don't show them


be feeling bad

for what you don't have.

Be glad for

what you have.

I don't have much-

everything I have is used

but I'm grateful

for every piece

of my life

because it's mine.

Take pride in


inside and out

and they will

adopt those feelings

in their own young lives.

Our children


to be happy and successful

to make our country

strong and powerful again.


Beth Montieth (pen name is Beth Reed) is a 1992 graduate of the Milwaukee High School of the Arts where she majored in classical violin, but her concentration was on writing all the time. She has been published over twenty-five times over the years. She self-published a book on Kindle Publishing called "The Diary of My Shattered Dreams". At age thirty Beth studied Creative Writing at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater where she was a member of Sigma Tau Delta, the English Honors Society. Her interests also include quilting, journal creations and animal behavior. She is currently shopping around her first book of poetry titled "Death of Innocence". She resides with her husband, adult son, cats, and dog in Jefferson, Wisconsin.



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