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Broken Free - Lisa Molina

I slide. I slip. I fall. I yelp. Swish! Bang! Crunch! Help!

My bones are crushed. My daughter sobs. My mind is hushed. No blood is gushed.

I’m stricken by pain, the ice, the shock;

Shock of the love. the need For me, from she. For me, from he. For Me? Can it be?

And the doctor wonders aloud, “Where are your agonizing cries?” How do I tell her I now feel free?


Lisa Molina holds a BFA from the University of Texas at Austin, where she took graduate level creative writing courses. She has taught high school theatre and English in the Austin area, and was awarded the Lake Travis ISD Education Foundation Teacher of the Year in 1992. She later interned with Austin Family Magazine, published a featured piece, and was soon thereafter named Associate Publisher/Advertising Director. Since 2000, Lisa has worked with students with special needs at both the PreK and high school levels. During normal times, Lisa enjoys spending long days at the library reading and daydreaming. She also finds peace in writing, hiking, kayaking, singing, and playing piano with her guitar-playing husband. She firmly believes that all art is essential to the survival of our souls, especially in times of darkness. She lives in Austin, Texas with her husband, son, daughter, and cat.



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