A stop I never wanted
Turn back the Chungking Express
Turn back these Ashes of Time
Turn back the Nanking Treaty
Lin Heung Tea House lost
Symphony of Lights stole our kisses
The stars don’t cry
- they weep
Searching for cheongsam
I’m in the mood for nostalgia
- not in the mood for love
Love is too hard in this drifting city
Are you staying?
Should I be leaving?
So long, days of being wild
If only, days of being free
Amy Lee is a lawyer and emerging writer based in Seattle. She is finally writing as she feels she has been quiet for too long. The poet has used the titles of Wong Kar-Wai’s films as a homage/ ode to his films and memories of Hong Kong. If being political makes us seditious, can we still talk about our feelings? Can I code my political thoughts into my longings for the past? Her work was published in HR.Com, Thrive Global, The F-Word, Cicerone, FemAsia, Brave and Reckless, Heretics, Lovers, and Madmen, Rigorous, Journal of the Asia-Pacific World, Feminine Collective and Womankind, Flash in a Flash, Sweet and Sour Zine, Quail Bell Magazine, Gnashing Teeth Publishing and the upcoming RELEASE ME, the Spirits of Greenwood Speak anthology and The Stripes Magazine. She holds BA/LLB from the University of Queensland and LLM from the University of Melbourne