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Sad Girl Diaries

Sep 13, 20201 min read
The Child Poet - Emmalyn Danvers
the child poet grows best in muddy shallows under sunshine with storms on the horizon planted as she was in the forgotten yesterdays of a...

Sep 13, 20208 min read
A Taste of Honey - Katherine Ryden
As I sat nervously waiting in a trendy Greek restaurant in Midtown Manhattan, an older man walked quickly toward me and sat down in the...

Sep 12, 20204 min read
Tattoos Only Fade - Molly Blumhoefer
They sloshed around the dark bathroom like large animals after tranquilizer darts. Two of the walls were cinder-block, a basement corner....

Sep 12, 20201 min read
Us - Christine Nanfra
I am reminded of yesterday, when we wanted to believe our love was eternal, and time, like reality would never catch up with us. We...

Sep 10, 20204 min read
Escapism - Shawn Young
It had just happened a week ago, and she was running. Eleanor Grisby, her face etched with the lines of sixty years, sharp eyes looking...

Sep 10, 202010 min read
The Metaphysical Diorama of a Fisherman - Tim Harris
“The crabs cut ‘em… or plastic!” I nod understandingly, “Everything that comes to net… ‘s not all fish!” he adds. Delivering at first...

Sep 9, 20201 min read
Without Cause - Andrea Taylor
Rusted train tracks chug beneath our mud-crusted combat boots imprisoning browned socks and bruised, blistered feet patiently awaiting...

Sep 9, 20201 min read
Dad - Molly Blumhoefer
lost in a corner of the yard I grow close to what you could have been a mountain discarded tires, splintered lumber, chicken wire, a...

Sep 8, 20203 min read
Sprinting Away - Teresa Pham-Carsillo
I am at my ugliest when I run, red with exertion and dripping with sweat. I have pulsing veins that appear on my forehead and sometimes,...

Sep 8, 20201 min read
Surrender - Shantha J. Bunyan
When people ask how I’ve been Somehow I know That it’s not okay For me to tell them That my eyes seem to have Started leaking Frustration...

Sep 7, 20203 min read
Dear Therapist - Tammy Smith
I haven't seen you in-person for the past four months. It's been approximately 121 days since I counted the steps like sacred breaths it...

Sep 7, 20201 min read
Born of Pain: A Menstrual Poetry Collection - Holly Easton
My thighs covered in Raspberry jam slip from bed towards the pantry My cervix gifts me A pimple the size of a Peregrine falcon You don't...
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