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Sad Girl Diaries

Nov 2, 20201 min read
Rust and Luster - Talena McNeely
In the dream I was slowly drifting in a rusted raft, pulling strands of pearls out of a green lagoon clouded with mud. The gleaming...

Nov 1, 20202 min read
Brooklyn Birds - Nicole Rivera
In his jungle of grown lilies snakes and bamboos spirals dragonblood incense, thumps like steady knocking live maracas and bongos by...

Oct 31, 20202 min read
Out & Up - Giacomo Ranieri
It was a night with wispy clouds, a long time coming. A time between days of the week. A night where good happened. I had to make it...

Oct 30, 20203 min read
Our New House - Sarah Davis
In our new house the carpet was red and thick, perfect for children because it would be so hard to get dirty; I skinned my knees on it...

Oct 29, 20208 min read
Fighting the Shadows - Pauline Hawkins
Ian and I chuckled as we watched a viral MMA video that came across my feed. It was the Bellator fight that had a fighter wake up from a...

Oct 28, 20205 min read
Why I Shaved My Head and Why Other People Should Too - Saya Iki
This essay has to start somewhere, let’s pick a winter’s day in February of 2020. Imagine constantly having the urge to pull your hair...

Oct 27, 20201 min read
Little Girl - Nazani Cassidy
The pink indoor flowers, Ate them up. Showed them my pretty little ankles, Achilles, anklet. And so on. Became the green they envied,...

Oct 26, 20202 min read
For the Therapist Across the Couch - Meri Tumanyan
I can only imagine how difficult it is to hear people share latent fears and anxieties day in and night out, travel with them through the...

Oct 25, 20202 min read
Landscape - Shelley Saposnik
It is a cold March – trees have yet to sprout leaves Here and there an evergreen lends color to otherwise Grey and charcoal trunks and...

Oct 24, 20201 min read
Pressure - Katy Keffer
Outside my window, planes land deafening, their wings too close to mask the sound. It’s heavy overhead; I gaze, amazed as hushed yells...

Oct 23, 20201 min read
Papercuts - Ari Augustine
There's a place in my bones where I've buried you, a shallow grave between yesterday and today that will never overgrow with flowers....

Oct 22, 20201 min read
Burning the Bridge - Julia Knox
Did you know I was watching you, the day the sun set fire to the bridge? You skipped rocks - I was watching you through the dense pine...
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