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Sad Girl Diaries

Jan 17, 20215 min read
Intertwined - Emilie Bahr
I am all of three years old. The red-and-white-striped bathing suit clings to my tiny body, and I cling to my dad, my arms and legs...

Jan 16, 202116 min read
Authority Figures - Elizabeth Cooper
In 2015, a woman at work asked if I was pregnant. To my face. In front of other colleagues. In front of svelte colleagues standing next...

Jan 15, 202115 min read
Am I Home Yet? - Maya McLeroy
I sit in Train Car C, harsh rain pelting down on the roof. My mother is asleep, her head resting on my shoulder. “She’s safe,” my mother...

Jan 14, 20219 min read
Letting the Light In - Claire Van Winkle
There is a correct way to dress a window: you must measure first. You must choose the proper hardware. These fabrics are fixtures, and...

Jan 13, 20217 min read
Unquiet - Julianna DeAngelis
She might be the smartest person in her school. Or at least in this class. And she’s genuinely so attractive, in, like, a nonconventional...

Jan 12, 20219 min read
Ricky - Keilly Austin Ulery
Lately, all there is to do is think. About what could have been. About all the myriads of choices you made in your life, the one (but...

Jan 11, 20213 min read
It’s Not Me, It’s You - Melina Maria Morry
What did I do to make you not want me? Was it something I said? Something I did? Did my body change, or was it yours? Do you see me...

Jan 10, 20212 min read
White Feathers - Roberta Beary
You want to scream as you feel his gold ring which matches yours pressing down which you notice as an afterthought and you don’t scream...

Jan 9, 20217 min read
The Football on the Lawn - Phyliss Merion Shanken
The slightly deflated football stuck out of the grassy soil as if the lower point had been glued into a carved-out gravesite. I don’t...

Jan 8, 20219 min read
Jewish Adult - Rachel Mauro
The Paratrooper tilted slightly as it reached the top of its loop, and Sarah clung to Caroline. Caroline laughed, tossing her thick,...

Jan 7, 20211 min read
Singing Waters - Jane Fitzgerald
A weighted sadness Pulled me under How far I didn't know My problems were circling Like sharks contemplating a painful bloody kill...

Jan 6, 20218 min read
Waves - Sam Yeh
“Okay, Sam-MEE, are you ready?” Jose asks, his curls bouncing despite the weight of the water droplets splashing off them. I nod. As I...
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