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Sad Girl Diaries

Jun 8, 20211 min read
How to Survive the Sea - Jennifer Christgau-Aquino
my children, my children at this line of sand, water and brine salivate for your toes the tide is hungry we offer this hollow driftwood...

Jun 7, 20211 min read
Have Mercy - Jessie Scrimager Galloway
My crooked pinky has two stories: The time it broke, I dove to catch a foul ball in wet grass, bent it backward in three-leaf clover just...

Jun 6, 20214 min read
Running Out of Air - Shannon Hudgens
That afternoon, Jack Finn slipped into the dark corner of a nicer bar than he had ever taken his wife to and watched a Martian suffocate...

Jun 5, 202118 min read
The Girl - Gregory F. DeLaurier
The River listened. Always did, always had. It heard the moans and cries of those in this little City who faced the terror of life, of...

Jun 4, 202116 min read
Skeleton Coast - Kerry Anderson
If this were a dream, she’d be flying. Through sand-sky, down sun-scorched highway, toward the thin, dark blue line of the sea. From...

Jun 3, 20216 min read
The Flowers Are Mine To Pick - Yana Gitelman
In February 2020, I sit at the Harkness table in 242T, legs crossed and shaking, and I write a poem on a sticky note I am hiding in the...

Jun 2, 20219 min read
The Raven and the Crow - Rebecca McPherson
The three of them are gathered in an untidy triangle, sharing a table in a cramped coffee shop on the corner of a busy street. It is the...

Jun 1, 202111 min read
Who Cooks for Her - Max McCoubrey
“It was like a banshee....Whoo........ Whoo.... ” Padraic and Tozi were mesmerized by Mary-Ann Ruane’s animated story telling skills....

May 31, 20217 min read
Streetlights - Liz Caldwell
The Louisiana air was stickier than anyone ever gave it credit for. Droplets seemed, she thought, to hang suspended in the air, and...

May 30, 20213 min read
Whitespace - Hannah Anderson
It was summer. The kids on our block used to gather at the “big rock” on the corner of the neighbor’s lawn. Our bikes clattered to the...

May 29, 20211 min read
Search Party for Chivalry - Cassie Lewis
The bar is so low the boys can’t limbo underneath it so they keep us in limbo instead. Patron saints of the bare minimum lowering the bar...

May 28, 20217 min read
Miscarriage McGee; Navigating Your Friend's Recently-Vacated Uterus - Bethany Cunha
I've long given myself the moniker of Miscarriage McGee. I'm that girl in the room. We've all met them along the way, they're out there....
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