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Sad Girl Diaries

Dec 26, 20222 min read
Car Conversations - Lyz Mancini
“Your breathing gets all weird when you lie,” Jay said, turning the length of his body around and squinting at me. We were sitting side...

Dec 23, 202217 min read
Always Late - Deanna McFadden
Pressure hummed throughout their days, an oven too hot or too cold, a child sleeping late or refusing to get into their winter gear, a...

Dec 21, 20221 min read
It’s a Full Cycle - Julien Griswold
Hold me, hold me, hold me like my laundry machine. My washer and my dryer and my mother who taught me how to fold sheets. They require...

Dec 19, 20222 min read
Legs - Lila Bovenzi
You know what I hate? Those razor commercials with that stupid annoying song. You know, the one that goes, “She’s got it! Yeah baby,...

Dec 17, 20221 min read
hiccups - Ayin Es
this morning I watched a crow on a telephone wire act strangely I’m pretty sure he had the hiccups there was no other explanation I...

Dec 15, 20223 min read
If I Put Nails Through My Hands Will They Love Me? - Alexandra Ameel
It’s the feeling of blood filling up your stomach. Or, what you think that would feel like. Warmth gushing up and up until it’s on your...

Dec 13, 20225 min read
A Remarkable Woman - C. Rothschild
Even in her early 70's, my grandmother, Olga, was still a handsome woman who remained elegant. She always insisted that the dressmaker...

Dec 11, 20225 min read
Fangirls/Survivors - Lexi Clidienst
When allegations of sexual harassment and assault against pop punk band All Time Low started cropping up on social media in October of...

Dec 9, 202211 min read
The Zoo - Jean Gismervik
“What are we going to do about the crocodiles?” Elseid’s bluntness was often unnecessary, but this time he was not wrong in his...

Dec 7, 20223 min read
Mosquito - Chaya Chudasama
Marleigh had fruit punch blood and all the boys wanted a sip. She said she would sell them used tampons starting on the seventeenth, and...

Nov 26, 20223 min read
Shooter's Island - Erin Swasey
In the winter, we spoke about dogs that could save my life and ghosts in a summer home your soul never truly left. You knew the world the...

Nov 24, 20221 min read
The person behind the counter - Swetha Amit
The grocery shop is packed with treasures and I spy on the box of goodies on the counter next to you they look delicious and tempting...
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