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Sad Girl Diaries

May 8, 20231 min read
You’re Going to Be a Father (Part 1) - Rosalie Hendon
You’re going to be a father. I remember you in Mrs. Taylor’s Spanish class sprawled over two desks, sleeping. I remember you showing me a...

May 6, 20231 min read
i took responsibility - Dr. Jo L
they are proud of me my level goes from maximum to medium risk i think i am happy or proud or relieved then my body becomes a ball on the...

May 4, 20235 min read
The Piano - Mariah H. N. Hawkins
I watch my husband play piano. His clever fingers brush over the keys, creating a tune only he recognizes and I know afterwards he’ll ask...

May 2, 20231 min read
your newest primary care doctor - Audrey Coleman
i’m not a doctor. i’ve never been to medical school. hell, i can barely distinguish between the fibula and the tibia. yet somehow, i know...

Apr 30, 20231 min read
The House of My Soul - Bert Rock
I am not a whole man, a whole person, something is missing, has always been missing. I should not know what I know. No one should ever...

Apr 29, 20237 min read
On Losing Someone Twice - Abigail Thomas
Rain hit the hood of my car in gigantic, pounding swings. I could barely see Sunset through the wet gray. A wash of same color sky and...

Apr 13, 20231 min read
Monthly - Anna Boughtwood
Monstrously menstrual, a body all exposed nerve and confrontation Anna Boughtwood lives just over the Dunn Memorial Bridge from Albany....

Apr 11, 20231 min read
Silence is a Loaded Gun - Megan Cartwright
Dawn’s silence is a loaded gun and I am trigger-happy, coxcomb god-like in dappled light and early morning dew drops, weapon poised atop...

Apr 9, 20238 min read
2021 - Sarah Ondriezek
It had been a very long year. The plastic flute of champagne on the table before me was undrinkable - as disappointing as the year that...

Apr 7, 20231 min read
Warm Enough to Live - M. Shayne Bell
after Mao Tse-tung’s poem, “Loushan Pass” —for Debbie In Salt Lake City, some friends are homeless. One sleeps in a doghouse she heats...

Apr 5, 202313 min read
Amanita - Abby Pelaez
Thriving amidst a pile of dead leaves, the white-capped mushroom looked like a tasty find. Travis glanced between the living specimen to...

Apr 3, 20231 min read
to moxie by the front door - Rachel Baila
you said i would unravel without you, but i’ve never been so tightly woven within myself as the day there was no more us and i knew your...
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