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Sad Girl Diaries

Jun 15, 20231 min read
Toujours Moi - Isaac Escobar
for Librada Diabetes, that brat, that bruja Sends my abuela to heaven in portions Skimming a little life off the top when no one is...

Jun 12, 20232 min read
after new york - Julia Sáenz Lorduy
Last time my heart was open there were two anarchists in a gazebo one was a pain dealer and I was the stranger (seasickness) I kept...

Jun 9, 20231 min read
How to Name a Saint - Laura Mulqueen
St. Catherine’s wheel, a spoked consequence of refusing the marriage proposal of emperor Maxentius, not so much a proposal as an attempt...

Jun 6, 20232 min read
Earth Mother Rages Down at Us and Yet We Have No Clue - Kirsten Liang
She rages because long long ago, Our ancestors forgot how to pronounce Her name. So she chokes our offices With shells of ivy, corners us...

May 31, 20231 min read
3rd Place Poetry Contest Winner! on margate sands, i can connect with nothing - Lagoon Myers
I crave innocence at night. That’s why only strawberries satiate my sweet indulgence. Juicy, sweet, and...

May 28, 20232 min read
2nd Place Poetry Contest Winner! revising my father's blood-alcohol content - Sarah Leidhold
after Andrea Gibson’s “Photoshopping My Sister’s Mugshot” January 1970 I find you in salmon cutoffs and a handmedown Budweiser tee; here...

May 25, 20231 min read
1st Place Poetry Contest Winner! Time is Like Cherry Soup - Grace Downey
This poem is the 1st place winner of the Sad Girls Club's 2023 Spring Poetry Contest. 1 Avian Lover I sing to the barred owl and she...

May 22, 20236 min read
Indigo Marbles - Leslie Ann
During the final months of my graduate program, my partner was offered an out-of-state in Chattanooga, Tn. Since her own graduation, she...

May 19, 20231 min read
Show Me A Worse Pain - Taylor Palmer
Show me a worse pain Not a distant one Show me a hurt Staring back at me Hovering reflection in pavement Racing ahead Looking over its...

May 16, 20235 min read
Full Disclosure - Bara Swain
Dear Melinka, Aunt Jenny suggested sharing a chicken salad sandwich at a café we discovered on 23rd Street after returning three white...

May 15, 20231 min read
2023 Spring Poetry Contest Winners
We are thrilled to announce the winners of our $500 cash prize Spring Poetry Contest! We had an incredible batch of selections, and...

May 13, 20231 min read
Snowflake - Sara Wetmore
My heart has been hung like a wet rag, twisted and wrung, left out to dry until it is ultimately forgotten.. My heart has been...
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