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Sad Girl Diaries
Jul 22, 20224 min read
Dolores Unstrung - Sophia Sorrentino
It’s Tuesday night, and I’m alone at the bar. I always come alone. It’s the perfect place to people watch: college kids playing dress-up...
May 27, 202215 min read
DRIVER’S ED - Madeleine Belden
It happened on the same day that I got my driver’s license. It was after dinner (Claire, my mom, made her usual vile eggplant and kale...
Apr 19, 202212 min read
Hair dye and Color Theory - Madeline Vickers
Libbie walked slowly into the house from her car. It wasn’t familiar to her. Her parents bought it two years ago. She thought it was her...
Apr 5, 202210 min read
The Game of Pretend - Rachel Nielsen
Every summer, the old station wagon turns down the dirt path to the saggy wooden gate and we settle in to the cabin for a few weeks. The...
Apr 3, 202210 min read
Letdown - Jeni Anderson
Should I have written Busy? Occupied didn’t feel right. Please Knock? Stay the hell out was my first impulse, but acting on impulse...
Apr 1, 20226 min read
Iris - Marie Fayssoux
I was a sophomore in high school when she started forgetting what day of the week it was and where she put her glasses. I didn’t care –...
Feb 16, 202213 min read
Black Ice - Quincy de Vries
I never could keep plants alive. I water them, change their position in the room for better sun and watch countless tutorials for...
Feb 14, 20225 min read
My Busy Year - Lindsay Hein
I made sure I kept myself busy that year. There was plenty of work to be had in those days, especially for a nanny like me. I was working...
Jan 28, 202210 min read
THE CITY OF MERCY - Malaika Favorite
The population of Mercy was moderate with very few children. You could say that they were all children no matter how old they were, they...
Jan 27, 202210 min read
Four Years of Insomnia by Izzy Teitelbaum
I tap the pack of American Spirits on my palm, pretty sure I hadn’t smoked them all. My body has been on autopilot since I was yanked...
Jan 27, 20227 min read
Rita Mae - Elizabeth Conte
I was used to men leaving. When Danaris closed the door behind him, I didn’t cry out, “Please don’t go!” No. No one can stop a man from...
Jan 24, 20226 min read
A Bar Mitzvah Divided - Ross Rosenfeld
It was perhaps the worst idea ever for a bar mitzvah theme. One can understand where it came from, of course. Henry – the boy – or man of...
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