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Sad Girl Diaries

Lana Lang - Rocio Carranza
She had a choice, it was hers alone to make. Yet, the consequences were not hers alone to endure. ~ We laid side-by-side in the center of...
Sep 9, 202312 min read

She - Ana Neu
Note: This short story was inspired by Ana' Neu's original poem, "A big word for a woman," published on Sad Girl Diaries on 8/14/23 Click...
Aug 16, 202310 min read

Summer Marmalade - Ariana Tucker
Most people get butterflies in their stomachs. Mine were always more like wasps. I could feel them buzzing around my gut as I watched my...
Jul 13, 202322 min read

Ariana Tucker: Winner of the Spring 2023 Prose Contest
We are delighted to announce and congratulate Ariana Tucker, the writer behind the captivating short story Summer Marmalade, as the...
Jun 25, 20231 min read

Full Disclosure - Bara Swain
Dear Melinka, Aunt Jenny suggested sharing a chicken salad sandwich at a café we discovered on 23rd Street after returning three white...
May 16, 20235 min read

On Losing Someone Twice - Abigail Thomas
Rain hit the hood of my car in gigantic, pounding swings. I could barely see Sunset through the wet gray. A wash of same color sky and...
Apr 29, 20237 min read

2021 - Sarah Ondriezek
It had been a very long year. The plastic flute of champagne on the table before me was undrinkable - as disappointing as the year that...
Apr 9, 20238 min read

Amanita - Abby Pelaez
Thriving amidst a pile of dead leaves, the white-capped mushroom looked like a tasty find. Travis glanced between the living specimen to...
Apr 5, 202313 min read

The Matron - Daryl Ellerbe
*This is the winning selection of the Fall 2022 $300 Fall Short Story, Fiction, & Non-Fiction Contest. The first sound was snow falling...
Mar 5, 202319 min read

Dirty Little Secrets - Shelby Hunt
Evelyn Knight stared out the window of the black limo, anxious to get home and see her mother, she picked at her nails in her lap. Evelyn...
Feb 13, 20238 min read

Rusalka - Hannah Cole
It’s like drawing in sand. This is what Rusalka whispers through the crack in the bathroom stall, referring to the men she meets in...
Feb 9, 20232 min read

Unending, Unchanging Midnight - Emma Neal
Growing up, and by that I mean my emo-middle school era, I was obsessed with the “forbidden.” It really wasn’t that scandalous, it just...
Jan 13, 202314 min read
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